Unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli.
Examples for "defence mechanism"
Examples for "defence mechanism"
1Some of these metabolites play important roles in the plant's defence mechanism.
2Did he avoid pining to be free as a kind of defence mechanism?
3Narcissism is fundamentally an evolved version of the splitting defence mechanism.
4I have this defence mechanism, this survival tactic of playing dumb.
5Sigmund Freud described it as a primitive defence mechanism used to resolve emotional conflict.
1They develop psychological defence mechanisms.
1It's a psychological defense mechanism, a means of coping with the unbearable.
2The defense mechanism wasn't a thinking being, capable of making judgment calls.
3Jeth rolled his eyes, sarcasm the only self- defense mechanism left to him.
4Objective: A defense mechanism is an automatic psychological process necessary for successful adaptation.
5He was irritating because that was what he used as a defense mechanism.
1I discuss how defence mechanisms affect competition and cooperation within bacterial communities.
2The latter includes all the defence mechanisms and most of the Superego.
3The latter includes all our defence mechanisms and most of the superego.
4But here, there are legal defence mechanisms in place but only in name.
5Melanization is one of the insect defence mechanisms against intruding pathogens or parasites.
1She was the model for the island's self-defence mechanism.
2The target's inner self-defence mechanism will always spot this.
3The collision was as bad as you'll see -the perfect storm when challenger and receiver meet in mid-air with no self-defencemechanisms engaged.
1Jeth rolled his eyes, sarcasm the only self-defense mechanism left to him.
2Loss of appetite, in that case, is both a blessing and a self-defense mechanism.
3One of the most critical research areas in rice is to discern the self-defense mechanism(s), an innate property of all living organisms.
4In order to survive within the host, bacteria have established various self-defense mechanisms.
5Larry's self-defense mechanisms are more practiced than mine are.
1Toxoplasma gondii causes cerebral infection in individuals with impaired immunologic defense mechanisms.
2My feelings hurt, I resorted to the oldest of defense mechanisms: sarcasm.
3Called a capsid, the sheath protects viral DNA from cellular defense mechanisms.
4In order to survive within the host, bacteria have established various self- defense mechanisms.
5Restriction factors are important components of intrinsic cellular defense mechanisms against viral pathogens.
6Activation of endogenous defense mechanisms may provide better protection against stroke-induced oxidative injury.
7Conclusion: Using mature defense mechanisms helped young adults to adapt to a particular situation.
8We examined psychiatric history, the pattern of defense mechanisms, and depression and anxiety levels.
9And a lifetime's worth of defense mechanisms slamming into place.
10It has been shown that granulysin contributes to the defense mechanisms against mycobacterial infection.
11This implies that host defense mechanisms cooperate to limit inflammation while controlling fungal burden.
12These are all primitive, infantile, and often persecutory, defense mechanisms.
13Objective: To examine whether increased sleep during viral or bacterial infections supports host defense mechanisms.
14This information is important for understanding the defense mechanisms of the "fire corals".
15Plasma fibronectin is an attachment protein important for maintaining capillary integrity and host defense mechanisms.
16Truth penetrated the defense mechanisms her psyche had erected.
Translations for defense mechanisms